About Parron
The seed of Parron Allen's artistic vision was sewn in his Mississippi boyhood - among sparsely-populated rolling hills, purple skies, and clay roads - where art classes were an inaccessible luxury. Parron’s vivid and expressive style grew with his self-taught art skills and blossomed fully in his college years at Mississippi State University, the Royal College of Needlework, and the University of London. Upon graduating from college, Parron moved to New York for an internship at Vera Wang. His internship evolved into a career at Vera Wang, Ellen Tracy, and Rebecca Taylor, spanning various roles in design and production. The Parron Allen Inspiration Blog and forthcoming menswear designs bear the fruit of his carefully cultivated vision and his core ethos of spirit, love, and faith. He lives in Brooklyn and does not generally speak of himself in the third person.
Looking at the Seine - Musee D'Orsay, Paris France, June 2017